Citation Power House

Send It Same Day Delivery

Delivery Made Easy!The most trusted name for rush delivery services throughout Connecticut and its surrounding states.


Send It Same Day Delivery


654 Wolcott Rd
Wolcott Connecticut 06716



The healthcare industry is served by a same-day courier. They can print, deliver documents, and mail with tiered service. Same day called in or dropped off with end of the day delivery, Rush called in or dropped off with a specific time frame, On demand Point A to Point B no right away, Scheduled, and routed delivery. We also offer next-day delivery with shipping options such as UPS/Fedex. To prevent porch pirates, we offer secure mail and package receiving.


About Wolcott

Wolcott ( WUUL-kət) is a town in New Haven County, Connecticut, United States. The town is part of the Naugatuck Valley Planning Region. It is primarily residential, with a population of 16,142 as of the 2020 United States Census.The town was settled in the 1730s by English settlers of the Connecticut Colony and was known as Farmingbury. It was renamed as Wolcott after being incorporated in 1796, following the United States' gaining independence. Some early records spell it as Wolcutt.

Neighborhoods in Wolcott, Connecticut

Things to do in Wolcott, Connecticut



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